Category: Palestine

  • On the resignation of UN official Craig Mokhiber

    On the resignation of UN official Craig Mokhiber

    As we continue weeping for all civilians killed in Gaza. As we witness Bibi Netanyahu disregarding any Israeli hostages and bombing indiscriminately.
    As we witness even from our own safe distances, settlers killing and removing Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank.
    We also should acknowledge people of good conscience like Craig Mokhiber.
    Countries that refuse to be part of this genocide like Bolivia.
    The Security Council was established, at the end of WW2, to ensure that a genocide akin to what happened in Germany to the Jews under Hitler would never happen again. Yet here we are and members of the Security Council are on the wrong side of history as we watch.
    And no.
    Questioning Bibi’s genocide is not antisemitic, f*** you very much. Palestinians, too, are a semitic people. Jewish people of good conscience worldwide are speaking up against these bombings. This genocide.
    And oh.
    Former victims can become oppressors too.
    The world ignored South African apartheid for so long because the British had put Afrikaners in concentration camps during the 2nd South African War (a.k.a Second Anglo-Boer War).
    And precious Zionist South Africans who have never been to Palestine and engaged with that apartheid state, please stop clutching your precious pearls and tell us how you are feeling unsafe.
    No-one is doing anything to you just as no-one did anything to any white person in 1994. You are a protected species.
    There is no night of long knives and it’s not always about you all. Geez. Please learn from the late Nadine Gordimer. She went into the Occupied Territories. She testified. Israel is an apartheid state.
    And certain African governments. We see you. You who were colonised. Supporting those who colonise and murder indiscriminately because its expedient to do so. Because you need to ask for another loan from Bretton Woods institutions run by countries whose governments are supporting this genocide. Arresting your citizens supporting Palestinians. We see you. History will not be kind to you but may be the mythical man in the sky you all fast to is cool with it. Maaan!!

  • Palestine Festival of Literature 2023

    Palestine Festival of Literature 2023

    The Palestine Festival of Literature (PalFest) is an annual festival that takes place in cities across historic Palestine. It’s an initiative committed to the creation of language and ideas for combating colonialism in the 21st century.

    I attended the Palestine Festival of Literature 2023 in Palestine from May 20 – 25, 2023. You can read about my experience by clicking here.