Video: Featuring on the Deutsch Welle Arts dialog

I was a guest of the Deutsch Welle Arts dialog with the following focus, “Diversified access to literature.” Here is the brief of the discussions we had;

Writer and publisher Zukiswa Wanner from South Africa and Helga Frese-Resch, Director of International Publishing at Kiepenheuer und Witsch in Cologne, Germany discuss the role that literature continues to play in fostering critical thinking in polarizing times, and how access to literature can be made easier for all people. Both agreed that the publishing industry is entering a new era, where there is a growing need to use new outlets and move away from traditional, book fairs, which Frese-Resch described as an old-fashioned distribution method. Wanner meanwhile stressed in that digital festivals have been enjoying huge success, helping to undo intellectual silos that have become the epitome of the publishing industry.

Check out the video below


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